Being authentic is really easy to say, but what does it really look like for YOU in YOUR life? It's about going back to things that make you feel connected to life and expanding your awareness.
7 Steps to help you with becoming more authentic and self-aware:
1. Do something to displays self-love every day. Don't feel guilty about giving yourself your attention. We seem to show love to everyone but ourselves. This step is the most important one because your level of self-love is the basis of how you gage love from others. You can cultivate a love for yourself by taking yourself on a nice walk or even not supporting an event because you just don't want to. Become aware of areas where you sacrifice yourself. You can show yourself love in so many different ways. The more you start finding ways to love yourself, the deeper the relationship with yourself will grow. Meaning your intuition and gut feelings will become much stronger.
2. Find a way to relieve stress. No lie, life can be stressful as hell. Even with tough skin, you can't escape tough times. Sometimes you rely on others to help you de-stress and don't even know it. Depending on them to make you laugh and be your place of peace. With that, you are giving someone else the power to control your ability to de-stress. Take control of your stress and find ways to relax. What helps you relax? A nice bath, a run in the morning, or scheduling a massage are all ways you can de-stress. When you release stress, you are taking steps to take care of your body; where you hold stress energy. Holding stress in your body can cause illnesses and diseases like cancer. Don't let it become too late.
3. Pay attention to how you emotionally respond to things. Your emotions can tell you many things about yourself. How you react is truly dependent on how you were taught to judge a specific situation. If you learn to pay attention to your emotions and take responsibility for how you react, you will begin to learn about yourself. When in the moment, ask yourself when was the last time a similar situation occurred where you reacted the same way? What triggered you? Understanding your triggers can help you understand the root of your reactions.
4. Increase your willpower. Willpower is just the ability "to do." If you practice inactivity for a long time, it will become a habit. We just call it lazy. Inactivity is a symptom and laziness becomes the disease. Start getting things done. Make a list and start working to check things off. If this is hard for you, start off with one item on your list and move on to the next one after you've finished. Stop putting things off, make it a priority.
5. Write and say an affirmative statement to yourself. Your tongue is the most powerful gift you have. We constantly curse ourselves and others by what we say and don't even know it. This is just what we do as humans. For all of the things you don't consciously know, you can work to become conscious of the good things about yourself. Write down 3 great things about yourself. One statement for the body, one for the mind, and one for the spirit. Say the statements every morning and every night until it becomes embedded. It’s time to let yourself know that you are unstoppable and the only competition is the person staring back at you.
6. Ask questions if you don't understand. Sometimes you listen to respond and not to understand. We all have a different perspective based on what we've experienced through life. It can be extremely difficult to merge understandings. This is why you should listen to understand
so that your responses can be delivered from an Overstanding view. This means that you fully understand both sides and can find ways to connect them. This expands your awareness and bridge communication gaps.
7. Learn about a subject you are really interested in. When was the last time you learned something new? I am not talking about scrolling on a post that taught you a little something, I am talking about you making an effort to choose what you want to learn a little bit more about that interests you. In this age, we are force-fed views and ideas and sometimes forget we have the ability to expand our knowledge of whatever we choose. This is the Information Age. Take advantage of it.
Take this list in pieces if needed. These are some tips that have helped me along my journey that I am grateful to share. Being authentic can piss other people off because you will become more self-aware and this may not line up with the expectations others have for you. Understand that your level of awareness will help you become mindful of others and the world around you. You owe it to yourself to explore you.
Being authentic is really easy to say, but what does it really look like for YOU in YOUR life? It's about going back to things that make you feel connected to life and expanding your awareness.
7 Steps to help you with becoming more authentic and self-aware:
1. Do something to displays self-love every day. Don't feel guilty about giving yourself your attention. We seem to show love to everyone but ourselves. This step is the most important one because your level of self-love is the basis of how you gage love from others. You can cultivate a love for yourself by taking yourself on a nice walk or even not supporting an event because you just don't want to. Become aware of areas where you sacrifice yourself. You can show yourself love in so many different ways. The more you start finding ways to love yourself, the deeper the relationship with yourself will grow. Meaning your intuition and gut feelings will become much stronger.
2. Find a way to relieve stress. No lie, life can be stressful as hell. Even with tough skin, you can't escape tough times. Sometimes you rely on others to help you de-stress and don't even know it. Depending on them to make you laugh and be your place of peace. With that, you are giving someone else the power to control your ability to de-stress. Take control of your stress and find ways to relax. What helps you relax? A nice bath, a run in the morning, or scheduling a massage are all ways you can de-stress. When you release stress, you are taking steps to take care of your body; where you hold stress energy. Holding stress in your body can cause illnesses and diseases like cancer. Don't let it become too late.
3. Pay attention to how you emotionally respond to things. Your emotions can tell you many things about yourself. How you react is truly dependent on how you were taught to judge a specific situation. If you learn to pay attention to your emotions and take responsibility for how you react, you will begin to learn about yourself. When in the moment, ask yourself when was the last time a similar situation occurred where you reacted the same way? What triggered you? Understanding your triggers can help you understand the root of your reactions.
4. Increase your willpower. Willpower is just the ability "to do." If you practice inactivity for a long time, it will become a habit. We just call it lazy. Inactivity is a symptom and laziness becomes the disease. Start getting things done. Make a list and start working to check things off. If this is hard for you, start off with one item on your list and move on to the next one after you've finished. Stop putting things off, make it a priority.
5. Write and say an affirmative statement to yourself. Your tongue is the most powerful gift you have. We constantly curse ourselves and others by what we say and don't even know it. This is just what we do as humans. For all of the things you don't consciously know, you can work to become conscious of the good things about yourself. Write down 3 great things about yourself. One statement for the body, one for the mind, and one for the spirit. Say the statements every morning and every night until it becomes embedded. It’s time to let yourself know that you are unstoppable and the only competition is the person staring back at you.
6. Ask questions if you don't understand. Sometimes you listen to respond and not to understand. We all have a different perspective based on what we've experienced through life. It can be extremely difficult to merge understandings. This is why you should listen to understand
so that your responses can be delivered from an Overstanding view. This means that you fully understand both sides and can find ways to connect them. This expands your awareness and bridge communication gaps.
7. Learn about a subject you are really interested in. When was the last time you learned something new? I am not talking about scrolling on a post that taught you a little something, I am talking about you making an effort to choose what you want to learn a little bit more about that interests you. In this age, we are force-fed views and ideas and sometimes forget we have the ability to expand our knowledge of whatever we choose. This is the Information Age. Take advantage of it.
Take this list in pieces if needed. These are some tips that have helped me along my journey that I am grateful to share. Being authentic can piss other people off because you will become more self-aware and this may not line up with the expectations others have for you. Understand that your level of awareness will help you become mindful of others and the world around you. You owe it to yourself to explore you.